Q1.When was GS Yuasa established?
A1.GS Yuasa Corporation was established in April 1st, 2004, after GS (Japan Storage Battery) and YUASA (Yuasa Corporation) integrated their managements. Please see "History" for more information.
Q2.What is GS Yuasa's corporate philosophy?
A2.Our philosophy is Innovation and Growth. We are committed to people, society and the global environment through innovation and growth of our employees and business entities. Please see "Philosophy & Our Policy" for more information.
Q3.What are GS Yuasa's business activities?
A3.GS Yuasa manufactures and sells automotive batteries, industrial batteries, power supply systems, switch gear, lighting equipment, ultraviolet systems and other electrical equipment. Please see "Products" for more details.
Q4.Where are the offices inside Japan?
A4.Please see "GS Yuasa's Offices & Group Companies"
Q5.What are the main group companies or related companies?
A5.Please see "GS Yuasa's Offices & Group Companies"
Q6.What is GS Yuasa's management policy and plan for the future?
A6.We established Long-Term Vision "Vision 2035" on April 2023. Based on the “Four Re’s” formula, we strive for innovation in energy technology, endeavor to address the challenges facing society through the development of mobility and other public infrastructures, and seek to create comfortable living environments and play our part in the global effort toward sustainability. Please see "Long Term Vision and Mid-Term Management Plan" for more details.
Q7.What are GS Yuasa's social contribution activities?
A7.In GS Yuasa Group, all employees understand that CSR activities are business activities, and we encourage everyone to take part based on our CSR Policy and Code of Conduct in order to ensure the sustainable development of society and business. Please see "Sustainability" and "GS Yuasa's Initiatives for the SDGs" for more details.
Q1.When is GS YUASA's fisical year end?
A1.Our fiscal year end is March 31.
Q2.I would like to know the schedule about the announcement of financial results or an annual general meeting of shareholders.
A2.We announce the financial results per quarter. An annual general meeting of shareholders is held in June every year. Please see "IR Calendar" for the detailed schedule.
Q3.I would like to know the financial highlights.
A3.Please see "Financial" page.
Q4.I would like to know the financial forecast.
A4.Please see "Financial Forecast" page.
Q5.Where can I find information of GS Yuasa's latest financial results?
A5.Please see "Presentation" and "Earnings Report"
Q6.Can I watch the earnings presentations on the Internet?
A6.We publish the streaming video of the earnings presentation on this website on Q2 (November) and Q4 (May) every fiscal year. You can check other presentation materials including streaming video on "Presentations"
Q7.Where can I find an annual report?
A7.Please see "GS Yuasa Report (Integrated Report)" We prepared PDF version and HTML version.
Q8.I would like to know about accounting standards.
A8.The GS Yuasa Group currently adopts Japanese accounting standards for its financial reporting in view of comparability between fiscal years on financial statements and comparability with other companies. Regarding the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards, the Group will respond appropriately in consideration of circumstances in and outside Japan.
Q1.What is the stock code of GS YUASA?
A1.Our stock code is 6674.
Q2.What is the minimum number of stocks allowed per trade?
A2.100 share.
Q3.Where is GS Yuasa traded?
A3.On the Prime Market on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Q4.How many shares has GS Yuasa issued totally?
A4.Please see "Stock Data"
Q5.Do GS Yuasa have special benefit plan for shareholders?
A5.We don't have special benefit plan but our policy is to return profits through dividends.
Q6.I would like to know about stock procedure.
A6.Please see "Stock Procedure"
Q7.How can I exercise my voting rights at the General Meeting of Shareholders?
A7.There are three ways to exercise your voting rights;
1) If you attend the General Meeting of Shareholders: Please submit the Voting Rights Exercise Form to the receptionist at the meeting.
2) If you exercise your voting rights in writing: Please indicate your approval or disapproval on the Voting Rights Exercise Form and return it to us.
3) If you exercise your voting rights by electromagnetic means (e.g., via the Internet): Please use the "QR Code" or "Voting Code" and "Password" displayed on the Voting Rights Exercise Form and enter your approval or disapproval following the instructions on the screen.
For details, please refer to "Shareholders' Meeting" -
Q8.What is the policy of shareholders return?
A8.We recognize the most important issue of management is return to shareholders, therefore, our target of total return ratio remains more than 30%. About our shareholders return, please refer to "Shareholders Return"
Q9.Where can I find historical data on the share price of GS Yuasa Corporation?
A9.Please refer to "Stock Price Information"