2024/Mar overview

During the fiscal year under review, the global economy showed signs of a gradual recovery thanks to factors such as the progression of the recovery of the supply chain and automobile production volume heading toward recovery. However, the outlook continues to be uncertain, with geopolitical risk in Ukraine and the Middle East, etc., the risk of an economic downturn associated with monetary tightening policies and inflation worldwide, and financial market volatility, etc.
    In this economic environment, the GS Yuasa Group’s consolidated net sales for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 totaled ¥562,897 million, up ¥45,162 million or 8.7%, from the previous fiscal year. This increase in Group sales mainly reflects an increase in sales volume of lithium-ion batteries for hybrid vehicles and lithium-ion batteries for energy storage system (ESS) and the progression of measures to revise sales prices, etc. In line with this, operating profit came to ¥41,595 million (operating profit before amortization of goodwill came to ¥42,229 million), up ¥10,095 million or 32.0% from the previous fiscal year. Ordinary profit came to ¥43,981 million, up ¥19,767 million or 81.6% from the previous fiscal year, due to the improvement in the share of profit from entities accounted for using the equity method and increased gain on net monetary position. Profit attributable to owners of parent came to ¥32,064 million, up ¥18,138 million or 130.2% from the previous fiscal year.

2020/03 2021/03 2022/03 2023/03 2024/03
Net Sales 395,553386,511432,133517,735562,897
Operating Profit 21,67624,81022,66431,50041,595
Ordinary Profit 23,10927,27924,68424,21343,981
Profit Attributable to Owners of Parent 13,67411,4558,46813,92532,064
Basic Earnings Per Share(yen) 168.23141.91105.23173.11369.74
Total Assets 385,416431,913480,763540,906656,663
Net Assets 205,318234,570249,938270,890373,880
Capital Adequacy Ratio(%) 45.846.844.842.650.3


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