GS Yuasa won “Silver prize” in "Gomez IR Site Ranking 2022" by BroadBand Security, Inc. for three consecutive years.


"Gomez IR Site Ranking" is the survey for evaluating usability or information adequacy of IR websites provided by all listed companies in Japan, from the four perspectives of “Website usability,” “Financial information enhancement,” “Corporate and management information enhancement” and “Proactive and advanced disclosure of information.” The survey items are set based on investors' perspectives, and the overall ranking of superior IR websites is determined based on the evaluations of analysts at Broadband Security, Inc.


This year, 333 companies are selected as award recipients (26 receiving “Gold prize,” 164 receiving “Silver prize,” and 143 receiving “Bronze prize”) among all listed companies. GS Yuasa was scored particularly well in the category of “Financial information enhancement,” moving up from 40th place in FY2021 to 29th place.


We will continue to further enhance our IR website and disclose appropriate information, as well as further strengthen our IR initiatives.
Please kindly check our IR website by the following URL.


For further details, please see Press Release issued by BroadBand Security, Inc. (in Japanese only)